What are the criteria for profile completeness?

Why a Complete Profile is Important

Having a complete profile is paramount in attracting clients who use Voices to find talent. Additionally, having a complete profile ensures that you'll be found in the Voices search engine (a popular option used by many clients when searching for talent) and matched to jobs via VoiceMatch™. 

Working on Your Profile Completeness - How We Help

Your My Home dashboard is a great tool to use to quickly identify which areas of your profile are missing information. Taking a look at your Profile Checklist lets you know where it's recommended that you add information or demos.

Clicking on 'View' or 'Add' next to any of these recommendations will immediately take you to the relevant section to allow you to make the necessary additions. Demos are key to showcase your expertise to clients and make it possible for you to appear to clients when they are searching for talent. 

If you follow these recommendations, you will have a complete profile and be set up to maximize your success on the Voices platform.


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Article Number
First Published
01/11/2024 10:40
Last Modified
01/11/2024 10:42
Profile (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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