Voice Reel

Profile photo for Zhane Johnson
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Examples in Commercial and character

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is what we believe. Technology alone is not enough. Faster, thinner, lighter. These are all good things. But when technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful, even magical. That's when you look forward and you end up with something like this, y'all new iPad. Three. Ever get those moments when you just don't feel like your best self like you're the weed in a room full of daisies? We've all been there, and it's not your fault. Seasonal depression has been linked to vitamin D deficiencies. The all new Tropicana orange is fortified with calcium and vitamin D. So if you feel blue, remember to grab that nice glass of orange. I don't think I'm healthy, okay? I know that I have healthy attributes for the most part, but I'm not as healthy as I should be. I mean, clearly look at me, but I can't help but think that health goes a lot into what we portray as beautiful. For instance, when someone eats a diet rich and full of food deemed as healthy, you picture a thinner person who is often thought to be more beautiful. It's Wednesday, or as I like to call it Thursday. Ah, you're stupid. I'm going to eat you. If you say one more thing. I'm literally this close into becoming a cannibal. Cookies are gross. There. I said it. Since no one in the world has the balls to stand up to Betty Crocker, I'll tell her, You know what? Screw Sara Lee two and Dunkin Hines in those little Keebler elves.