Nameless Game Voice Demo

Profile photo for Robert LeLeux
Not Yet Rated


One of my favorite demos from one of my favorite projects I've worked on, a now-cancelled Roleplaying Game.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. This is Gary. I've read through the dialogue scripts that you've posted. I picked out a couple of characters that I think I can dio and I'm gonna go ahead and read through them. I'm gonna skip the lines that I can't dio just for the for your sake as well as mine. And so I'm gonna go into it. Let's see eso first. We've got Almeida's dad in the first scene. I'm just gonna go ahead and do that. Hello, All Major. It's been a while. If you found this, that means you've finally taken the initiative to start exploring outside of your room. I'm quite impressed. What you're holding now is the arc on a weapon of the prisoner. It is one of many weapons that I forged in order to realize my goal. The remaining are kind of weapons air scattered across the kingdom, with many being in possession of a group called the Orrick Nights. If you so desire, gather these weapons at the peak of the distant mountain and you will gain powers equal to my own. Good luck and farewell. All right, I'm gonna do the scene. Main scenario. Nature's cradle. I think I could do an okay voice for the doctor. So I'm gonna try that guy. No good. It's steadily worsening, and the wound is festering at a rapid pace. Their bites are known to leave deep gashes that erode the victim's flesh. See, the wound matches up a legendary of known as the pun ox. Philosopher Auriemma said, cure all maladies and heal any wound. It is rumored to grow in the deepest part of the valley where the most dangerous monsters look. All right. Next I'm going to do Hermes and the vault. I'm gonna be Hermes Kedia, the library owner. Hello. Welcome to the Cloverfield library. What kind of book are you looking for? Hey, cool your jets a bit. The are kind of weapon of the vault are Many people have died trying to get it to you. Now. Just a warning. Follow me. It's on display in the back. Hermes, by the way, could I get your name? I'm Hermes Kedia, the owner of this place. Nice name. I'll be sure to remember it anyway. Here it is. From the accounts. I've heard of the survivors. There's a powerful monster sealed in this book. A demon that wields a sort of hellfire, they say. You sure you want to go through with this? I guess there's no stopping you. But listen, if you do succeed, I'm gonna need another book to replace it. This pedestal would look sad if it was left empty, you know, got anything that would feel it. What's this? The emerald tablets. And you're relating to that Rivelle. Okay. Yeah. He visited this place a few years back. Really left a strong impression. I see. I say you do give off similar vibes that that's none of my business. The daughter of a guy like him can definitely handle whatever's inside this book. I'd be glad to have it taken off my hands. Besides having the tablet and exchanges. Good deal and go for it, kid, This are kind of weapon. Vault is one book I feel no love for. It definitely looks pretty, but there's no point in a book that nobody can read No knowledge, enjoyment or emotion. Only a barren world that brings death. Nothing good comes of keeping something like that around. Sorry for getting all gloomy on you. I believe in you. Go take that thing down All right, now I'm gonna do the caches Confrontation scene I'm gonna be cash is I'm gonna do before and after the battle Eso Here we go. So that I clipped the wing of the argent Phoenix with the tip of my sword in a single feather drifted to the ground I'll bring it with me next time just for you to Ah Looks like I have to get going. I have a date with this young lady here. Run along, girls. So you're here Almeida reveal. Oh, I presume. Would you care for some cookies in now? Serious tone. Gladly. So you're the monster that did her in After all the **** the world put us there, I'd hoped it wouldn't get any worse. Guess hope only goes so far. It severely pains me to say this, but you are correct. We hope for the water end. We prayed that everyone would safely escape the eruption but the destruction never stopped. Each life that was taken only seemed add more fuel to the fire. Ah, horrible, merciless fire that consumed human souls simply for the sake of doing so. The man named Oliver reveal. Oh, I'm not so foolish as to hold a grudge against the dead. The past can't be changed not by someone like me anyway. But I can and will hold you responsible for claiming idea Sister's life. You've taken all that I have left. So we'll do the same to you. And then this is after defeating him. Oh, no way. It's really held hence, Yeah, because she was such a fool. Sister, I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill your wish. I'll be coming to see you soon en scene. Woo Dramatic. And I think that's all that I've read through so far that I can dio I hope this wasn't too awful to listen through. Uh, get back to me with what you think. Oh, yeah, okay.