An Exceprt from Donna Eden's \"Little Book of Energy Medicine\"



This is my voice-cover (pun intended) of three paragraphs from Donna Eden's \"Little Book of Energy Medicine\".

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The 14 Meridians are the body's main energy pathways in the way an artery transports blood. A meridian transports energy. The meridians carry a flow of energy that adjusts metabolism and Vitalize is every organ and every physiological system in the body. These meridian pathways bring energy to the immune, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory digestive, skeletal, muscular and lymphatic systems. These pathways exist within the subtle body, the invisible field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. Medical students don't find these subtle energies when they dissect cadavers. Our ancient ancestors needed to sense the energies of plans to know if they were nutritious or poisonous or to be able to feel the energies of an approaching predator and to know when the energies of their Children or mate were out of harmony so they could keep those they depended upon healthy and focused. These abilities help them survive teachings and traditions for balancing the body's energies to keep people vital can be found in most ancient civilizations. The chinese, for example, were probably the first to write down a system for working with the body's energies focusing on the acupuncture. Meridians and mind you acupuncture is still healing people today. Meanwhile, contemporary scientists are finding ways to demonstrate and measure subtle energies and energy fields