Warm, inviting voiceover talent with intermediate experience

Profile photo for Yovanna Madhere
Not Yet Rated


I am a bilingual voiceover talent with a warm, inviting speaking voice with a conversational tone. I am proficient in several accents and can do children's voices for books.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
while it is important to me that you hear my voice and really get a good grip on my vocal quality, it is more important for me to tell you a little bit about myself. See, I'm an afro Latina, una pana mania and I grew up in queens, so you know, a little bit rough around the edges. I was educated in Miami really all over the world school of hard knocks and now I'm a mom and a loving wife, at least I think I'm loving my kids in particular, love it when I do this voice, I do this voice all the time. Sometimes when I'm feeling just like silly or kind of scared or whatever, I do this voice. My older kids think it's annoying. My four year old thinks it's adorable, but such is life and that's what I love to narrate life. I like to talk about things that are the most important to me. Family, love politics and social issues. I mean being a afro Latina living now in Atlanta Georgia, you know, people have like a different kind of swag here and so I'm always having to like have that conversation, but that's pretty much me in a nutshell, I look forward to working with you hope to hear from you soon