
Profile photo for Yalexcel Livi
Not Yet Rated


This was a voice-over for a client who was releasing an animation titled Fijabi.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cameroon, Cameroon, hmm. Life is a battlefield, a never ending war between two inseparable siblings. Life and death. They are constantly at odds. Forever locked in a struggle for dominance. Life is a web of deceit and lies. Yet we all cling to it with every fiber of our being but death or death. It is a story no one wants to hear how absurd it is that we fight so hard to stay alive, only to be buried beneath the cold earth in the end. Who will dare to speak the truth? To lay bare the harsh reality of our existence? Who has the courage to break the silence, Gabby! Gabby will let out a loud better cry and rewrite his story with his fiery Aries spirit. Watch out for Fiji B is coming to tell his truth and it will shake the very foundations of your being.