Central Luzon Food Safety Team Primer

Profile photo for Neil Bryan Padilla
Not Yet Rated


This voiceover work features the accomplishments of the Regional Food Safety Team of the Department of Science and Technology Region 3 here in the Philippines.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Filipinos love food where it's cooked at home, eating in a fast food restaurant or bought from a street corner. In recent years, street food consumption has risen across filling in society. Rich, poor, young and old partake of them in a variety of waste. But unknown to many, eating improperly prepared street food can cause harm or even kill you. As a preventive measure, the Philippine government enacted Republic Act number 10611 for the Food Safety Act of 2013, safeguard consumer health and facilitate market access of local foods and other food products. In a proactive move, the Department of Science and Technology Region free convened. The central is on Food Safety Team AH multisectoral approach to supplement the efforts off the Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health, Department of Agriculture and local government units to ensure street food is safe and healthy for Filipinos. Taking inspiration from Singapore's busting hawkers market, the Food Safety Teams First Project was put in place. A created food safety system for ambulance vendors and canton concessionaires operating in Central Sauce State University, located at Science City of Munoz, nausea. Participants of the project underwent training workshops for they learn basic food safety standards. It also involved the documentation in valuation of your food started and vending methods against recommended protocols specific it's of compliance were awarded to the canteen owners and concessionaires who were able to comply based on a checklist adapted from the Singapore Parker's Market. These ratings are then displayed prominently on their store holds. This was an initiative that was possibly received where the community Central is on. Food Safety Team is now coordinating the second phase of the project with local government units ensure its sustainability Street food is everywhere in the C f. F. S T also aims to replicate the success of the project's initial face in other provinces. In Central Luzon, auction projects are now being done in close coordination with local government units as well as other state colleges and universities. In Charlotte City, the L G. You are locked. State University and the C L F S T are now well under way towards establishing a food alley that adheres to the same creating system on a strict compliance with sanitary Code of the Philippines. More recently, U. S C three grant in aid program has approved the food safety program for street foods that will be implemented through the city of San Fernando. Lg you through the help of Pampanga State Agricultural University in Our Lady of Fatima University in furtherance of the smooth C L F S T members are continuously undertaking trainings to enhance their capacity. It's performed their tasks. Filipino lives revolve around food. Food has to be safe. To eat. To treat food can be very irresistible and with food safety measures in place, eating them will be more wholesome, healthy.