Fairy Tale Narration

Profile photo for Will Dozier
Not Yet Rated


A short exerpt from \"The Princess and the Goblin\", both narrating and contributing Peter's voice to the piece.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
perhaps my readers may be wondering what the goblins could be about working all night long seeing. They never carried up the ore and sold it. But when I have informed them concerning what Kurdi learned the very next night, they will be able to understand, for Kurdi had determined if his father would permit him to remain there alone this night, and that for two reasons. First he wanted to get extra wages in order that he might buy a very warm red petticoat for his mother, who had begun to complain of the cold of the mountain air sooner than usual this autumn and second. He had just a faint glimmering of hope of finding out what the goblins were about under his window. The night before, when he told his father he made no objection, for he had great confidence in his boys, courage, and resources. I'm sorry I can't stay with you, said peter, but I want to go in pay the portion a visit this evening. Yeah. And besides, I've had a bit of a headache all day.