Corporate Communications

Profile photo for Whitney Morr
Not Yet Rated


Excerpts from a variety of Corporate Communications videos including on-the-job training, employee benefits education, e-learning, and customer explainer videos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Whitney and I'll be walking you through our on demand video. Siri's from pitch to close, Designed to help you win new business. This course provides you with RIA World selling strategies right across the sale cycle. Equipped with video modules, including sea level objection handling, qualifying opportunities, negotiating best practices and MAWR. This is the perfect training program for anyone selling business to business products or services deductible co pay out of pocket F S. A. H s. A. What information about benefits provided by your employer is filled with insurance jargon that can seem like a foreign language. If you're feeling confused about your benefits, you've come to the right place. Let's talk through some of the most common terms used as they relate to medical, pharmacy, dental and vision benefit plans In this next module will discuss what to do if you come across an unattended mobile mover. Ah, mobile mover is an assistive device used to carry heavy objects from point A to point B. This vehicle must be operated by a qualified driver or if an automatic mode must be supervised at all times. If you see a mobile mover unattended on the floor immediately. Check your surroundings to ensure there are no other people in the direct path, then proceed to walk to the back of the mobile mover and initiate the shut off valve. The shut off valve is located on the passenger side of the mobile mover. Be sure to notify your supervisor of the unattended mobile mover and log it in the logbook. Helping a client through their accident claim can be a difficult process. Not only is the client still in shock from their experience, they may also be awaiting their funds or pay out if a client calls and wants to know when their claim will be processed and when they'll receive their funds. Here are the steps you should take first you want to look in tow when the claim was processed. If the date field is blank, you'll want to search the database by claim number instead of customer name. This will pull up the exact result and ensure that duplicate entries don't exist. Congratulations. You just bought all state homeowner's insurance. And now if your home or property suffers a covered loss or is damaged, you'll be covered. And that's a good feeling. However, There are some things that can't be replaced, so that's why it's so important to prevent the damages from occurring in the first place. Here, you'll learn what steps you can take to make your home safe and secure. This how to video is designed to teach you how to draw a basic area. Using Apex and future videos will show you how to use the more advanced features of Apex. That'll help you get around those special or odd circumstances. For now, let's stick to the basics.