Cartoon or Video Game Characters



A handful of fun Character voices, can be modified to fit your project. Mood, Accent, Speed, Style etc.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
He's like, I don't know, like doing some crazy stuff. So I'm like, whoa man. Oh, sure. Enjoy your fancy cars and all their gadgets. When I was a boy. Horsepower was an actual horse. Huh? My name is and um I like when my dad makes me a sandwich and a special in the morning and then later in the afternoon and then any time, remember truth when I ask for a sandwich to be sure I have invented a telescope which will allow me to explore every nook and cranny of the entire known and uh possibly unknown universe. Don't forget to change your fridge. Filter, man. It's not that hard. You don't even need to know which filter I need just go to filters. Fastest dot com. I mean uh ok. This one is not exactly creepy, but it is about dad getting caught stealing. Here's kids. Halloween candy, kids would find that horrifying. So if you take a big a big balloon, you fill up a and, and then you put a smile and then you tile to chair and sit down. They don't flirt around with you. Well, then this orange spotted fish comes up to the octopus and starts trying to tell him a joke.