Voices I do

Profile photo for Nick Copeland
Not Yet Rated


This demo shows the voices I can do, mostly impressions and accents.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm Christian Slater. But you know me is Mr Robot. I'm Sean Connery. Our point dreams, Bond. I'm RV Fire stain. Yeah, from Milan, King of the Rock. And there's nothing you girls can do about it. I'm Daniel Radcliffe. But you know me as Harry Potter. I'm Sylvester Stallone. But you know me is Rocky and Rambo. I'm Jerry Lewis. You know me. Isn't any Professor A Y E t. Yeah, I'm Peter. It Ari. Hey, Arm Liam Neeson and I will look for you. I will find you, and I will kill you. I'm whole Kogan. What you gonna do when the hoaxer runs wild on you? I'm Matthew Broderick. I was Theorist Bueller and some of The Lion King. I'm Jack Nicholson, and I'm here to take care of your Overlook Hotel. I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger. I was the Terminator. Oh, my. I'm George Takei. Well, I glowing, Scoob. There is, like some great big girls around here. You can save lots of money on car insurance by switching to Geico. I'm gobo Frag Lee. I got another postcard from my uncle. Traveling matte? Yeah, went up, Doc. It's May Bugs Bunny radio. I'm Felix the Cat. Oh, Hey, rookie! It's be Bullwinkle! Hey, Mo, You Larry! Whoa! I'm only the butler of this house. Shall I bring some tea for your guests? Oh, crikey! It's Groy here in the Outback of Australia. I'm the Godfather. I won't make it over. You can refuse. I'm James, member of Team Rocket me out. That's right. Hi, Ho. Kermit the frog here to audition for you.