A small briefing of a Poem My Grandmother's House

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I have tried to attract the attention of listeners to the famous poem written by Kamala Das.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My grandmother's house. A beautiful poem by Kamala Das Kamala Das is has splendidly gifted bilingual writer of her time. She has established to her reputation as an Indian point, writing in English and as a Malayalam short Storey writer and a novelist, she has been variously represent as a feminist writer, as a confessional poet and as a neo romanticism. Essentially, she is a writer with their highly individual voice who act eclairs her interference and frustrations, her despair and fantasies. The search for identity and the fulfilment is one of the central teams of her Spur trick. Her autobiographical points, JJ Early as Press it Deep Noster Gee Feeling for the first in my grandmother's house. The poem she evokes the atmosphere of her childhood life in a vivid details. The point presents a contrast between the Lao she received in her childhood and her person despair. And along with us, the point recalls her memory of her ancestral home as a child she was brought up at in Allah Pod house in Malabar. It was her grandmother's house, and there she injured the vamp and the security of love. Hard grandmother is now no more. The house remains deserted, and the library is not used. When she lived in the house, she was too young to raid. Wherever the appointees, she often thinks nostalgically about her grandmother's house. She visits to go back to the house and looked through the close to windows, or to listen the frost on air outside the house. Sometimes in her wild despair, she longs to bring an armful of darkness from her house to keep it being her bedroom. Even the darkness will Sarah car as a remainder of her favourite ancestral home. Addressing her lover, she played that she wants leaved in a grand house that she was then proud and loud. Considering her present patter, tick and fishable position, This might seem incredible. She has no, apparently lost her way in the world, left a lot in an unfair in their world. She Becks at strangers, door for morsel of love. Her cry ving for love remains unfulfilled, and she is frustrated and unhappy. Her memory of her past life makes is suffering all the more painful and unbearable. She uses the debase of contras very Fechtel in the point, she contrast her idol child, who live with the help trust her life of frustration launders in her childhood, she reserved abundance of loving her grandmother's house. That love was pure and innocent added to give her a sense of security. Now she is living in an unfair Miller word of the city. There, everyone is stranger, and she finds herself banking for allow at two strangers doors when she was proud and love. Now she is nor loud, and besides, she is now in the humility and a pat 30 position of one banking for love. The contrast between the power to flow in the present and abundance of love in the past is vividly brought out with a touch of pathos and a nostalgia.