Little Girl Introducing herself - Animation Voice Over

Profile photo for Vishal Swami
Not Yet Rated


A little naughty girl is introducing herself and telling how she's not naughty but everyone say she is. A Cute child Voice Over in North American English Accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. I am lisa. I am a nine years cute girl. Everybody says that I'm so naughty and mischievous but I promise I didn't make any of those mistakes. They were all just the wish of nature. And my mama says that no one no one can disobey the nature. So what's my fault? It was all just nature's wish that I obeyed now. People blame me for the things that happened due to nature. While nature is the one should be blamed for responsibility of all these mischief. So I'm really very innocent. Okay. I need to go now. I think I forgot to turn off the Owen that mama had told me to do so Moran. I'll be in trouble. Bye bye.