Energies your mind

Profile photo for Vasu Chauhan
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It's simple Book reading of Jay Shetty's book \" Energize your mind\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hindi) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am not a robot. I have personality and I have emotions. I have a humorous side to me and an angry side to me by Jeff Gordon. Sometimes to really help people understand your point. You need to get down from the stage. It's not as if people could not see me on this huge stage. I wear bright orange daily, which I signifies. I am a monk. It's easy to spot me from the other side of the city, let alone an auditorium. However, I thought I would walk around looking people directly in the eyes and I made my point. The choices we make in our life define our journey. Most things are out of the control. But how we react is always in our control. In 2099 I was in invited to speak in Singapore at a conference. Masters of the century. 1000 young people sat on the edge of their seats expecting a serious talk from a man that wears a that wears my clothes. However, I have always found that it's important to make complicated subject matter, simple through humor. Sometimes spiritual, scientific or psychological topics can be presented as lofty idols unachievable by the average Joe. But that does not always have to be the case. My teachers have always told me. The mark of intelligence is the ability to explain complex subject. Simply that has always been my mission make the life challenging themes. I am presenting easy to digest and entertain. Most people live such intense lives that they just want to get some relief. They want to have a good time before they can even dream of self improvement. That is why I tell jokes. Although everything I say has serious country connections and can help people if implemented in their day to day lives. It's through humor and storytelling that I found I can reach their heart first and make the most impact.