Niles the Robot

Profile photo for Van Shuttleworth
Not Yet Rated


Character voice provided for a videogame NPC.
Project Name: Ol' Buttermilk Sky Arcade.
Role: Niles the Robot.
Production Company: Cloudy Boxscape.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello everyone. My name is Niles. I finally have a voice to Cloudy. Damn well, long enough, any who, I have some exciting news firstly I will be talking on behalf of Cloudy since he's a little coward and doesn't have the courage to talk to people. Just kidding. He's actually a really nice guy. He just wanted to give me the spotlight. Damn right. He should be giving me the spotlight secondly, Cloudy will be working on a game called Old buttermilk Sky Arcade. It's a game where you as the player gets to interact with an arcade in an arcade center where you literally play a game within a game. Pretty cool, right? And I will be your guy for old buttermilk Sky Arcade. So you're gonna see me all the time. Cloudy told me that there will be more games for the arcade in the future and that he still has a long way to go, but he's working on it so to let you all know Cloudy will be creating the environment for the arcade and add one game for a test run and then hopefully release a demo, not sure when to be exact. I also have no idea what the game will be. Cloudy didn't tell me what it is. I was all like, alright, Cloudy, keep your secrets then before I vent anymore about him not telling me, I just wanted to say thanks for watching the video. Hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to follow Cloudy to see more videos as he develops the game further. Hey, Cloudy, you better be working on that. Damn cold buttermilk Sky Arcade, You hear me?