Command & Conquer: Contra - GLA Efreet Nuclear Bomb Truck

Profile photo for Matthew Vanston
Not Yet Rated


C&C Generals Zero Hour mod voice acting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Arabic (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let's get the party started. He freed at your service. I will not fail this time. I have 20 megatons of mass destruction on night. Black E equals M C Square. Curie, will you marry me? Einstein would be so proud of me. Open! I murdered touch a daughter. Where should I strike? I am the free gin of death. Now I am become death. It is very well that way. Okay, we'll be deadly. No time. Way, idiots! Should I get an invite from them? Hey, not so fast. This is hazardous material. Care for this is highly explosive. Affirmative. You got it. Good plan, general. There's always it is tied Said Well, cruel world. Suck on this. Michael Fay. I regret nothing. See, Woody of a general, There's no turning back. I am ready. I've been waiting for this. I'll take them all into a big mushroom cloud. But I I