Narration YA Fiction with M/F Dialogue

Profile photo for Vanessa Plimley
Not Yet Rated


Youthful adventure fiction, with Male and Female dialogue as well as narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let me see what you can do with a knife. He climbed in the ring. I stared at him incredulously. Now, do you have a hot date or something? He held his hand out to help me through the ropes. I grabbed it and shook my head. Apparently I do with a knife. His laughter warmed my soul and I shook off my trepidation. I was going to learn how to knife fight. He handed me a mid sized blade and I fumbled with it, learning its weight. Finn pulled out another knife and took a fighting stance. I mimicked him and we circled each other. It's very similar to regular fighting. You were looking for a cue that your opponent is about to advance, but you need to remember. They don't have to get as close to inflict injury. The knife adds another 6 to 8 inches to their extension. He took a swipe at my stomach and I jumped back sucking in my gut. I knew he was holding back to keep from injuring me. I hope that I could do the same since I was so new to this. I lunged at him but he knocked my arm away. The knife skittering across the platform. You need to keep a tight grip on your knife. When you make contact with flesh, it can be hard and to inflict injury, you need to have a good grip on it. I swallowed, trying to wet my instantly dry throat. The thought of cutting someone open, nauseated me. I must have turned as white as I felt because Finn stopped circling and stood upright. Will, if there is a spy here, they won't hesitate to kill you or your family to get to you. They don't play by the rules and they don't play fair. Do you want to come home one day and find your family or other members of the crows slaughtered. His words hit home as the image of finding my family's mutilated bodies flooded my mind. I took my stance again, gripping my knife tightly. We began to spar and I became comfortable with the weight and feeling of the weapon. I'm not sure how long we practiced. I knew my shoulders and arms are getting tired from being in a defensive position for so long. I dropped my hand to let him know I was getting tired when he lunged for my throat instinctively. I pulled back while swiping at his advancement. I felt the blade come into contact with flesh and I froze.