Character Demo



Video game and animation reel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I, I can't, I can't control it, help me. Huh? That was so cool. Get them to stop shooting at me so I can shoot them. It's that thing again. I can't let it see me. Where are you? I, I'm so confused. The school looks completely different and Renee, it's beautiful. It reminds me of your work back at the studio the way you paint light as if catching it. Well, it always amazed me. You aren't ever gonna tell a soul what I do? You're my puppet. Oh, my. No kidding. What's your religion? And where do I sign up for worship? Huh? What was that punk? You wanna say that to my face? Come on, step up to the screen and say that again. See what happens to you. I dare you. The thrill of flight, the wind in your face. And the only limit is the skies above. Join me as we saw it.