Animation Demo

Profile photo for David Iacobbo
Not Yet Rated


This demo showcases my range and ability when it comes to character voices. This is just a small portion of the voices I can do.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
enjoy your stay. Ships already going at 7000 backgrounds, Captain. I'm not sure she know any faster. I never seen a horse dashed. Slow step aside, there was work to be done. I've got an idea. Maybe we could like, not fight, Huh? Just a suggestion. It's really such a thing as too insane. Life gets awfully boring if there isn't mad. That should be no problem. I'll just need a little blood from your left eyeball. What? And what, like that may be a problem. After all, It may not be the smartest one here, professor, but I'm sure the most determined Well, technically, that's not true. What? You were the one with the very large weapons. So guess what you say goes. I got a rodeo road tag, Norman.