Audiobook - Non-Fiction (engaging, believable)

Profile photo for Tricia Marie
Not Yet Rated


Personal Development

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You answer the call to adventure. In 1949 an American literature professor named Joseph Campbell came up with a theory that there was one story shared by many different cultures and tribes around the world. This hero's journey captures common rites of passage and how we grow into the people we become. You may not have heard of it, but you certainly know it. It's the story behind Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and many more the stories start with our heroes living an ordinary life in their ordinary world. Remember when we met Luke Skywalker living with his aunt and uncle on Tatooine Frodo in the Shire or Harry Potter in the cupboard under the stairs. Then something shakes up our hero's world. A flash of danger, a call to adventure. But our heroes refuse the call and try to go about their business. What comes next? There is a change that compels them to pay attention. They meet their mentor and they leave the ordinary world for a special one with the mentor at their side. This is where our heroes cross the threshold and the quest begins. When you think of mentors picture Obiwan Kenobi stepping in quickly to get Luke out of danger. Gandalf showing up in the shire to convince Frodo to take the ring or Dumbledore throughout Harry's time at hogwarts. Now in the special world, new rules apply. Our heroes begin to understand the story behind their enemies and the threat they pose to their world. They also meet allies ready to join them to undertake this larger challenge together with their mentor and allies. Our heroes experience their first test whether you are partial to Han Solo, Princess Leia Chewbacca C three po and R two D two. Or your tastes run more toward Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, mentors and allies are critical to our heroes and their ability to take on challenges. They would never be able to accomplish themselves. Our fearless squad then moves from smaller tests to a major ordeal. The biggest challenge that they have faced such as taking on Darth Vader or Lord Voldemort under dire circumstances, they are only able to overcome the challenge because of the earlier tests, what they learned from their mentor and the strength of the bonds they've made with their allies, bruised and bloodied, yet victorious. They are rewarded for their effort and make their way back to the ordinary world where they return transformed. They have taken on something larger than themselves, faced incredible challenges and succeeded through ingenuity, courage and teamwork, returning transformed. They are now able to transform those around them.