The Marasenna Part 1

Profile photo for Trevor Scanlon
Not Yet Rated


Audiobook reading of story entries from the sci-fi videogame franchise Destiny, performed for YouTube.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Secrets. Do you come in? Hope, a reader for the secrets of my reign? A parable in the nitrate earth of the lightning crater, where the firmament has joined an electric fury with the fundament. There lives a burrowing insect with two trembling antenna thin his whiskers long as life mm. A grasping hand reaches for the buried secret finds the antenna and pulls comes away with a single whisker meaningless. The searcher, disappointed. A wounded insect buried deeper. The secret now half blind at which digs for truth. Mayberry deeper lives. If you recognize my authority, then I command you to pass onward as gently as the lover passes a razor over beloved skin. If you do not, then I name you majesty, set Doubter of royalty, and I suggest you watch your edge cut too deep and too quick, and you will kill the thing you want to know. Think too eagerly as the digging hand leaves its print in soft earth. So you will find only the image left by your own Presumptions, aware, the one who feeds on truth adjacent lies beware of the space between reality has imagined and reality as is or it is abundant to those with appetite. So then the brave voyagers, fate, the timeless birthing place, my Milton reenactment, the ruins made hours. The ribbon twice ribbon. The daughter's blood scab ******* mother's womb. All things told. All truth revealed. If through mist and mystery. If you have grace, then see our Soward's. But swallow back your tears. We were made to pay this price. I lead us to our feet, seek me in my place! Hear these whispers from the lips of Queen Egged God. Mhm. The woman sits on a ledge that overhangs infinity. She looks down and kicks her legs. The stars shine brilliant here, because the sun is only fractionally brighter than the rest of them. Soul lies almost perfectly below her. Of course up and down are defined only by the thrust axis of Yang Liwei upward, the black umbrella of the shield and the matter storage and the doctor ships which make Yang Liwei not just a mothership, but an entire traveling fleet. Down below along the slim spine of the ship, the shielded bulb of the engine glows invisibly infrared. If she slips off this ledge, she will fall down the ship's length at one third of an earth gravity. Not because there's anything pulling her, but because the ship is pulling away. Yang Liwei is accelerating slowly but inexorably toward the stars. She is of no single race or ancestry and the light on her skin is the colour of Starlight. She drifts with her suit tinted clear so she can soak it up. She was 19 years and nine months old at the moment the ship began its trans stellar injection bird. Although this is true only if you count by the calendar of a planet she has barely visited but we'll always love. She thinks you cannot help but love earth. If you grew up in space, you love Earth. The way all adolescents secretly adore two century old video of 99 Ye dancing on New Year's Eve. Earth does not ask too much. The colonies are demanding parents but earth is like a chill old grand. Um simmering and weird art and weirder ideas and thrown upon ecology. Older than human time, Earth was the first terror formed world. Life made earth livable. She was going with yang li wei and the rest of project um rita to make new worlds. She came because she saw an omen in a man's death. She was on evil with him repairing a jammed radiator fin on an unscrewed circum jovian plastic. It worked in compatible silence, listening to the howl of the jovian magnetosphere. When it happened, A frozen rabbit embryo came out of deep space at 40 km/s and went through his face plate. The rabbit must have been spilled in a bio container accident far from the sun to plunge inward like a comet immediately afterward. For reasons very clear to her because she has always had a sense for the meaning of things, reasons very difficult to explain to others because she has always felt this sense was secret. She asked her mother if the family could travel with project um Rita rita, the drink that ended the drinking the bottomless cup. It is the quest to spread far beyond the solar system and to end human dependence on the traveler. It calls for those who see humanity as a cocoon and in star a form ready to be shed. She is an ostrich third class, a self motivating subsystem of the ship's inclusive ecology, a term that spans technology, biology, and behavior, all of which must be maintained for the mission to succeed. Her task is to locate problems and report them to an otter's second class who will give her the tools she needs to repair them. But she never speaks to her second, she never tells anyone about the problem she finds. Instead, she fixes them herself. Her work was therefore assumed a magical quality. She appears where there is trouble, and shortly afterward the trouble goes away. People have begun to leave gifts for her. Some of these gifts are questions. She answers the questions with a quiet confidence that some would argue she has not earned. She knows she sees more of their lives than they see hers and that this mystery, this seeing without being seen, grants her a kind of power that is like wisdom. She lives outside the ship, suited and cocoon in a layer of side angle, which keeps her surgically clean. She misses the wild zero gravity fashions of her upbringing clothes like drifting jellyfish that squirm away from snags self correcting darts in the fabric silk like cool spilled alcohol. She misses the sense of oil and sweat on her skin for the suit leaves her so clean that she feels skinned raw. Still, she stays out here because she wants to feel the changing taste of Starlight as the universe ahead. Blue ships as Yang Liwei accelerates towards light speed, it moves faster and faster into the light coming from ahead. If light were like dust, it would strike yang faster, but light can never change speed so it gains energy. Instead, Red light is low energy and blue violet light is high energy, so the universe becomes blue. Even now the very tip of the visual spectrum, violet blue light is shifting up into invisible ultraviolet, the color of speed, the color of future.