Voice Demo for commercials

Profile photo for Christopher T
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Voice Demo for commercials

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
closed captioning is brought to you in part by Garnier frutas. Got Garnier fruits in your shower enter at ctv dot C A for your chance to win a $10,000 shower makeover, the sun is shining. Summer is here, so get up. It's cocktail season at the L. C. B. Oh, welcome to the Pepsi Refresh project. This year we're giving away over a million dollars to make Canada a better place. Youth music movement from laval Quebec submitted an idea, you voted and they received a $25,000 Pepsi refresh grant. A new cycle has begun. You submit ideas and each cycle the ideas with the most votes will receive a grant when you drink Pepsi, you're supporting the Pepsi Refresh project, choose Pepsi prepared. Fresh Subway is a registered trademark of Doctor's Associates inc for a limited time at participating restaurants after three p.m. C. Restaurant for details, taxes extra. Once upon a time there was a very ugly duckling with gap teeth and a C on his ugly duckling chest. One day the ugly duck looked out of his smelly little pond and saw a shiny cup way in the distance. The ugly duck said my that's a shiny cup. I would like to have it. So the ugly duck climbed out of his disease ridden pond and waddle towards the beautiful shiny cup. But along the way the ugly duck noticed a very tall strong man with a number 11 on his back, wow gas. The ugly duck, that man looks faster, smarter and much more skilled than I'll ever be. But since the ugly duck wasn't very bright, he tried to beat the great man anyway. Somewhere between four and seven games later, the Ugly Duck became menu item 44 at a nice little place on Somerset the end.