Book Narration

Profile photo for Tony Honickberg
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Philip would watch storeys about love, a kind of love he had never felt. He didn't know if this love existed or if it was just made up by someone who wished it did. The kind of love where you lie so close to someone you can't focus on their eyes. You can't imagine seeing them for the first time because how you look at them now. It's so illuminated by feelings of admiration that you're blinded by unquenchable joy. You see them in a way no one else can. Everything that shouldn't matter but did matters no more. The kind of love which can make you like the taste of stale coffee and old cigarette smoke. Because that's how they kiss. Tastes, fill it, watched a squirrel hopped past him. He thought it was funny because the city was in a natural environment for a squirrel, he thought how living in a city could make everything feel so fabricated. It's hard to find anything genuinely natural besides animals. They are natural. Squirrels just go about their little lives, not even realising that their world is an unnatural environment for them. Philip thought we're just animals, too, and he forgot his point