The Misunderstood Shark Read Aloud



This was a read aloud i did for an animated video of the Misunderstood Shark, worked on by a team at Scholastic.

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Misunderstood shark. Friends Don't Eat Friends. Written by Amy Deman, illustrated by Scott Magoon. Last time on Underwater World with Bob shark ate me. Get me out of here. That's strange. I can hear Bob but I can't see Bob action. OK, Bob, you look different where you been, you know, perfectly well where I've been uh no, Bob. Your intro is hello people today on Underwater World with Bob. Bob's going off script, Bob never goes off script. You ate me shark in our last episode. I defended you to the people and you ate me. The people are watching again. Not according to our ratings. You misunderstood. I didn't eat you. I was just giving you a tour. I don't believe you shark, but I swear on all the bones in my body. Think of your show mom. My show fine. A fun fact about bones. Hey, you don't have any bones in your body. Shark, skeletons are made of cartilage, cartilage, the squishy stuff in the human nose. You mean bogus? Cool. I swear on all the boogers in my body. We all know you ate me shark. If I ate you. Where's your proof? Hang on I don't feel so good. Got the video. He's gonna is hard. Yeah. Did shark just restore video? Am I hate when that happens? What did we just see? Gross fact about that? It's called gastric aversion. When a shark swallows an object he can't digest like glasses. When he eats someone, the shark expels his stomach out of his mouth. Ejects the object then sucks his stomach back into place. Sharks can barf their stomachs out. I can't even do a cartwheel. You shouldn't leave your glasses in my stomach. Bob. That's littering uh shark. My glasses were only in your stomach because you ate me. Admit it and apologize or, or where the ocean is not big enough for the two of us. And fun fact about that 71% of the planet is covered by oceans but, but I thought we were friends. Friends don't eat friends. Well, friends don't make friends feel bad about it. Goodbye forever. I've never seen sharks so worked up. I have right before a feeding frenzy, feeding frenzy. We have to stop him. You want us to chase shark? Don't try this at home. People, sharks swimming so fast. My armpits are sweaty. All eight armpits, less sweating, more swimming. Great white sharks can swim up to 35 MPH. We're never gonna catch him. We don't have to catch Mr Shat. I'm learning tracking and seal scows. He's, he's, he's in his sulking grotto. Go away. This is his feeding frenzy. Soga you'll get cavities. Shark. Actually, shark teeth are coated in fluoride. Sharks don't get cavities. I'm so jealous. You misunderstood. I'm not sulking. I'm hanging out with my real friend. Um, mm. This guy, stop, put me down. I'm armed. You don't even know him. Shark. I do too. His name's sticky is not, and he's my real friend and not, and he had never hurt my feelings like you did. I hurt your feelings but you ate me drama. I'm out of here. Right. Relax. I can grow another one shark. I'm sorry, I hurt your feelings. I'll try not to hurt your feelings again. Hi, I accept your apology. And anything else you'd like to say to me? Um, ok, I ate you. I'm sorry. And I'll try not to eat you again because you taste gross shark. I mean, because you really are my friend, Bob. Oh, that's so cute. Hug time. And now we'll have sleepovers and make each other friendship bracelets and shark's stomach sharks. Still hungry. Don't worry. I have a snack. Want some. But no, thanks. You're welcome. Goodbye. People. Tune in next time for another episode of Underwater World with Bob and Friends. We'll have more fun facts. You can really sink your teeth into. That's a wrap.