

Narration typical of Animal Planet or National Geographic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mhm. In the Heartland of Kilimanjaro, named after its majestic mountain, the highest peak in all of Africa, a young elephant takes its first wobbly steps. This little elephant will enjoy all that the region has to offer, including semi arid savannas and wetlands growing up amidst several diverse ecosystems that connect the circle of life in Kilimanjaro. Other inhabitants, great and small, of this beautiful Heartland are lions, cheetahs, the striped hyena giraffes and an assortment of a V ery creatures such as the Eagle and Hawk, all of which will influence the life of our little friend. Treading carefully behind her mother, the young elephant learns to follow her elders, gaining a sense of safety and belonging. She is the newest member of her Heard and will someday established herself as the leader of her own herd. But her time will come soon enough. Yeah,