Corporate Demo - Industrial - Video New Release - VNR

Video Narration


I’ve narrated over 1,000 corporate projects, and deliver friendly, informative voice over for internal product videos, training modules, certification classes, HR simulations, executive summaries, and so much more. I keep listeners engaged through my energetic style and sincere sound!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to DS MTV News feeding. Our growing world population is one of the biggest global challenges we are facing today. In this show, you will learn how we through our strengthened partnership with the World Food Program are combating global hunger and malnutrition and how our smart packaging materials help reduce food waste. Enjoy the show. Crown is the result of a successful partnership between two large economic groups. Crown holdings, a North American company which has been operating in the packaging industry for over 120 years. And Urda holding a Brazilian company that for 25 years operates in areas involving industrial transformation. From inception, always been at its core, a construction management company from its humble beginnings with founder Mark Top and a single rented piece of equipment to the commando group of today. The vision remains the same to deliver safety quality service to every project. Every customer. Every time, more than half the world's population is still waiting for mobile connectivity being connected, unlocks powerful resources for life saving, information on health, agriculture and education. It also means having a voice in the greater global community. It might be easy to overlook, but mobile access has a significant impact on the economy and quality of life. Hyperloop is founded by the overall winners from Formula Student Germany, the largest and most competitive FSA competition in the world with a total of 36 members from 10 different disciplines. We are to prove the commercial viability of the hyper loop concept by winning the Hyperloop competition with a safe, fast and affordable half size vehicle.