Commercial Demo ( Conversational, Enthusiastic, Youthful, Serious)

Online Ad


Exciting , Clear , Sincere , Friendly , Guy next door , Smooth , Charming , Young Adult , Character , Trailer , Happy , Upbeat and Intense.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
flossing is hard, but Listerine is easy. It reaches the places that even the best flosser leave behind at the whoa to your routine with Listerine. Okay, so I'm like the biggest Mario kart fan in the world have every game beat every level. But Mario Kart eight deluxe. This game is for real. I think I found my new all time fav. I know you're not supposed to say this out loud but the new surface Pro is better than the ipad. Just look at the features. It's got more processing power, better battery and a touch screen. And have you seen this price when these breakfast bacon nater may sound like a sandwich that destroys your hunger with neither restraint nor remorse. Well, it does choose Wendy's ever had the feeling you're supposed to be somewhere else. Somewhere far away, somewhere free. The all new Kia Niro hybrid every day is the worst day of someone's life. But no matter where disaster strikes will be there, donate now to support people facing the impossible, go to red cross dot org.