Vail Health

Profile photo for Daniel Zbel
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Radio commercial for Howard Head Sports Medicine

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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for years. Vail health has been able to care for the people of Summit County are physical therapists at howard head sports medicine are here to get you back doing the things you love, Whether that's running the trails, skinning up a basin or biking down kenosha pass without pain. Our cancer, endocrinology and internal medicine experts are here in frisco. So you don't have to drive to Denver for specialty care. When Covid 19 hit Summit County, they'll help provided testing to ensure the community's health and safety. And we're continuing to fill the healthcare needs of Summit County with a new state of the art medical facility in Dillon, scheduled to open in 2021 during this time. And always our mountain communities must support one another. We get you Summit County and we're here for you. Learn more at Vail health dot org slash summit. Mhm.