Fallout (The First Nick Sullivan Thriller)

Profile photo for Craig Bowles
Not Yet Rated


This is the retail audio available on Audible

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
he hunched there, shaking with horrors. The shot came in waves and rendering him immobile. A thought shot through his befuddle, the brain clearing his head like a sluice of icy water. He would be next. He had no idea what was happening. He only knew that these three men would not killed him and allow him to live. He holed himself to his feet, staggered to the drawer and pulled out a razor sharp, seven inch kitchen knife. He realised his hands were trembling. Another six seconds had passed. They would be coming for him. Adrenaline took over. It became unnaturally calm. Tim was dead. He can think of that now. He pushed the image of blood gushing across the deck to the back of his brain. He would deal with it later. They will be here any second. He moved with speed, looking around him for the life jackets that were stowed under the seat. He grabbed one and took the stairs two at a time. Less than a minute had passed in total. In this strange, slow moving world, it seemed like an hour. He was cool, rational fear and panic, now suppressed by the need to stay alive. As his head cleared the top rung, he heard a shout and sore feet running towards him. He reached out and grabbed an ankle, twisting hard. He heard a crack and a yellow paint as his pursuer fell heavily. Adrenaline was not just slowing down the world around him. It was giving him strength. He bounded clear of the stairs and met Harris head on. He punched him full in the face and wheeled around to deal out the same treatment of the German who was racing over toward him. The Germans stopped dead, eyes locked on to the knife in Nick's hand. But in the same moment, Nick became aware of movement behind him. He really just about in time to fend off a blow from Harris, who was coming up behind him, blood gushing from his nose. In the same moment, Nick saw the second man staggering to his feet and limping towards him. The three men were closing in on him, advancing cautiously out of respect for the ugly knife in his hand. They knew he was theirs. He was surrounded with no way out