Sci-Fi Clip

Profile photo for Laura Walker
Not Yet Rated


An astronaut sends possibly her last communication to mission control and her family back on Earth.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Laura Walker. It's working. The fusion engines are running. They won't stop until they run out of fuel or there's a malfunction. Either way, I won't be around to see it. I've decided to pilfer some parts from the life support system to build a cooler for the fuel injection assembly. That should keep the engines going a little bit longer. Disabling life support doesn't really matter anymore. I'm dead anyway. Rather have a quick death than a slow one. The sad thing is, I'll never know if any of this work, but I needed to maximize the chances of it. I need to make sure this wasn't offer nothing. The next part is for Emma. Honey, I'm sorry that I'm not coming home to you. You're not gonna understand this until you're older, But sometimes in life you have to make tough choices. Too often. Doing the right thing means doing the hard thing. I know you'll be mad at your dad and I for the choices we made mad at us for leaving you. I hope that one day you after you've grown up and had a life of your own, that you will understand the reasons for my choice and that you'll be brave enough to make your own hard choices when you have to. They also hope you'll never have to. Please don't hate me. You'll always be my daughter and I'll always be with you. I love you Goodbye. It's working. The fusion engines are running. They won't stop until they run out of fuel or there's a malfunction. Either way, I won't be around to see it. I've decided to pull for some parts from the life support system to build a cooler for the fuel injection assembly. That should keep the engines going a little bit longer. Disabling life support really doesn't matter anymore. I'm dead. Anyway, I'd rather have a quick death in a slow one. The sad thing is, I'll never know if any of this work, but I needed to maximize the choices and the chances I need to make sure this wasn't all for nothing. Um, the next part is for Emma. Honey, I'm sorry that I'm not coming home to you. You're not gonna understand this until you're older, But sometimes in life you have to make tough choices. Too often the right thing means doing the hard thing and go, You'll be mad at your dad and I for the choices we made mad at us for leaving you. I I hope that one day after you've grown up and had a life of your own that you'll understand the reasons for my choice in that you'll be brave enough to make your own hard choices when you have to. I also hope you'll never need to. Please don't hate me. You'll always be my daughter and out always be with you. I love you. Goodbye, okay?