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Profile photo for Temi O
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Just a random take. Raw, true to time and not scripted.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's a Friday and, um, I've actually had a rough couple of days. So today I woke up the plan and getting things done. Okay, my hair braid at, Get my laundry done. Speaking of my room, get groceries in her house, You know, just doing growing up stuff, which are really do not like during, by the way. Uh, so let's just say it's almost 6 30 on Go, go ask done nothing. The girl has been holed up in a room and doing the theme all day. Just seem. Could you imagine if I told you I started seeing how to get what they put the title of the movie, How I met your mother after singing again from the first season, and I'm done with the first season already. That's how that's how leaves you might be has been. I have been in bed all day. I was watching how I met your mother on my iPad, and it's so the weather doesn't make me more lazy than actually should be swimming outside on just like my fever better. It's winning, always silly. It's amazing. I love it. Like elevates much