Automotive and Medication Ads | Soothing/Informative American English

Profile photo for Jacob Turner
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Radio Ad


Wavefront Electric Car - Inspires adventure | Nocturnal Rest - Witty and Approachable | Extrahap - Compassionate and Poetic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The future you used to chase it. Now you're living in it. The wave front is an all electric automobile that propels driving into a new era with sleek aerodynamic design and ultrasonic sensors that prevent collisions. There's no more getting left behind. Life's short drive fast. Does your step counter show you've made it halfway to your step goal for the day before seven AM. Not because you're the get up and run five miles before work type, but because you just haven't fallen asleep yet, put your insomnia to bed with nocturnal rest, all natural sleep aid when the mornings seem dark, even when the sun is shining, when your bed and the pitch black of your room offer more comfort than a loved one's embrace when you feel that your soul is tired, even in the happiest of moments if you've struggled with depression before, if you've tried other medications and nothing seems to help. Now, there's extra half an approved antidepressant alternative to most common antidepressants. Independent studies have shown that extra haps unique properties stimulate the brain's neurotransmitters more gently than the typical antidepressant. Several study participants reported relief of depression symptoms within as little as two weeks, you deserve to feel the sunshine to feel present in the moment, to have energy to be yourself again. You deserve an antidepressant alternative. When nothing else has worked. Though users of this medication experience less side effects than with other common antidepressants. Side effects may still include dry mouth, blurry vision, itchiness, temporary confusion, temporary euphoria and temporary increase in anxiety. While the body normalizes to the medication.