Video instructor, E-learning, how to video

Profile photo for T.W. Starr
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Video Narration


Workout explainer, on how to get the most out of weight training

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let's now dive into the first circuit. You're going to progress from one exercise to the next resting for only 15 to 20 seconds. For each exercise, you're going to pick a weight that you could do somewhere between 15 to 30 reps. If you push really hard, if you reach above 30 reps, then you know it's time to use a heavier weight. Finally, if you're a beginner, perform a circuit 2 to 3 times, intermediate 3 to 4 times and advanced 4 to 5 times. Now let's start the first circuit. We're going to focus on the upper body and all you're going to need is a bench and two pairs of dumbbells. First start with the dumbbell, bench press to work the chest and triceps. If you don't have a bench, these can be done on the floor. Once you finish your set, using the same pair of dumbbells, move on to a bent motion over the dumbbell to now work your back and biceps, pull the dumbbells into your hips, not your chest. After you finish those, take a quick breather and then grab a second set of dumbbells