Susan Hohman Narration Demo- Distinctive Articulate, Informative reads



My Narration demo shows my distinctive voice in an articulate, genuine, conversational yet informative way. As instructor for E learning, K12, Gen X or Y still Believable and Friendly. Youthful yet confident and professional. Calm and serious or excited and funny,
always Knowledgeable.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
because of the way the volcanic ash preserved the city and its people. Pompeii is now considered one of the world's most important historical sites. This gives historians and archaeologists a vivid picture of life in the Roman Empire. Around 2000 years ago, Georgia O Keefe was an American modernist painter. She was born on November 15th, 18 87 and lived for 98 years. She decided to become an artist at the young age of 10. In her art, she liked the idea of expressing herself through using line color and shading in a harmonious way. Mammals are the animals that make up the scientific class. Mama Leah throughout the entire earth. There over 5000 different species of mammals. That sounds like a lot, doesn't it?