Steve Van Beckum - Acting / 1st Person

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Need a boss, worker, Dad, Grandpa, Doc, Attorney...Steve's got it!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey there. I need to update a few things in my records. Yes, Jeff Campbell here. I'm looking to move to, uh, let's say, hold on, I have it somewhere. Spring's just around the corner and a new day is dawning on the farm. The animals are sleeping, but not for long. I remember the summer of 1969. Like it was yesterday in my wine shop. I help people find the ideal complement for many occasions. It's the same with how I run my business. A month ago. I fell off a ladder at work and injured my head. But it's what happened after the fall. It gives me the chills role. Here is simple. It's just three lines, but it could help get the conversation started. So let's practice together. Okay. Here we go. Hey jenny, it's dad, We're thinking about you. We were cleaning out the garage and we found some of your old school. I hope you're somewhere beautiful. I'm an old man now, but I'll always be your little boy. One thing that I do stay on top of my lung health is to get screened for lung cancer. You know how to know much about legacy. But I know my grandson, I felt his spirit in these trees and on this land long before I knew him. No problem. I'll just go to town and get another one. Lucky you did it at a boy