Fantasy narration

Profile photo for Steven Kelly
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


A 3rd person fantasy audiobook demo, featuring narration and character voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a sudden deafening sundering of stone rocked the hallway and Dow skidded to a standstill. What now? Drug urn came the cry. Just as the tremendous bulk of a stone drake wriggled violently over the Merlin's, it seemed to swim through air before landing and thrashing on the rampart. A clear score of men wailed their last as a spine tail battered them to their doom. This wasn't dowels fight, but he doubted a dragon I'd would understand the finer points of neutrality. So grimacing the apostate couch, the stolen book in his arm and began searching for language it might understand. A petrification spell would do the trick. As the last axiom was signed, the beast locked into place and mid thrash. Through its rider, the rock worm had never looked so true to its name or nature agog oil of frozen stone, Telvin met the beasts. Handler did not take long to find her feet. She was dusky skinned and amethyst id. Hair of pale snow tumbled behind her in a shocking fall of silver on armour, as sinuous as it was grim. You dare, she spat, brandishing her sickle blade his way, Diplomacy clearly out, Daylan licked a finger and flip to page searching for the next invocation. Do not ignore me. The draw, us sneered, inching forward. I am Livia, third daughter of house. Tell Vonette, vanguard of the Empress Stone Rider. As for lad, her nose creased in disgust. Who are you? I'm Dalin Book thief. Though you can calm me down. Dow The drought smirked, amused. Do you know that is under tongue for dead? Well, that's an unfortunate coincidence.