A Reading of the book Octopants

Profile photo for Stephanie Chan
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Audiobook VoiceOver for Children's books with different voices.

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Voice Age

Child (5-12)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oct Pans by Susie Senior and Claire Powell. Hello there. I'm an octopus. There's something you should know. I don't have any underpants. I've have nothing on below. I tried to buy some oop pans. I tried all over town but everyone just laughed and laughed. Then answered with a frown underpants for you. They said, oh no, we don't have any. The problem seems to be your legs. You've just got six. Too many. I've even tried to shop online. I tried to serve the net. I found a core tuna and my credit card got wet. I still could not find octo pans. It almost made me cry. There's pants out there for everyone except for octopi. But then one day I found a place I hadn't seen before. A seahorse moved just inside the huge revolving door. Good morning. Can I help you, sir? Why don't you step inside? My undersea Emporium is famous ocean wide. I have bobble hats for barnacles and evening wear for eels. One, these just for urgent and slipper socks for seals, jewelry for jellyfish, water wings, for whales and rainbow paints for rainbow drought to smarten up their skills. Yes, I've got clothes for everyone with sports and stripes and rockets, pirate ships and sparkly bits and lots of handy pockets. No underwear for you, sir. I think you've been a SLT perhaps you don't need oop pans, but something else instead. And then I saw the problem. I'd looked at this all wrong. These legs were legs, these legs were arms and have been all along. Hello there. I'm in octopus. By now. You might have guessed. I'm still not wearing underpants. I bought an octo vest.