Giving Up Gluten

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Young Adult (18-35)


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when your doctor tells you to give up gluten, it can be overwhelming. But whether you've got celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, giving up the glute can reduce your symptoms and help you live a more comfortable life. Here are some tips for a gluten detox. One produce, produce, produce, fruits and vegetables are naturally free of gluten and they can provide you with the nutrients you may be missing in your new diet. To know your gluten free grains. These include quinoa, oats, brown rice, buckwheat, millet and amaranth. Three steer clear of sneaky gluten and beverages and condiments. Beer, soy sauce and barbecue sauce are just a few examples of places you may not expect gluten to be hiding. Four. Look at those labels. Many products now have gluten free stamped, right on the label. All you have to do is find them. It's like a game of I spy. Except if you lose, you get a stomachache. If it doesn't have a certified label, check the list of ingredients and make sure you're familiar with every variety of wheat that might turn up five B. Y. O. G. F. Bring your own gluten free food, going to dinner at a friend's or eating out can be frustrating. But if you bring your own food, you can ensure that your meal will be safe for you to eat