Professional narrations and commercials

Profile photo for Arthur Dent III
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Awesome professional commercials

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you want the best spare ribs, you need to get yourself a good dry rub and none of that premade stuff. We're talking homemade with a little paprika, brown sugar and garlic powder. Then slow cook those bad boys for a few hours until they fall off the bone from the rolling hills of wine country to the rugged coastline of the western cape South Africa is a visual feast for travelers but wildlife that roamed. These landscapes are even more majestic with elephants, lions and giraffes casting their long shadows on the countryside. After a series of bit roles, Jonathan Majors got his big break in 2017 when he was cast in the lead role of the independent film. The last Black man in San Francisco. It did make a ton of money at the box office, but it was the perfect showcase for majors on screen presence and Hollywood would take notice for the last 12 years. The team at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has been analyzing mountains of data and combing through countless images in hopes of finding an exoplanet. And today they hit pay dirt, their discovery an earth like planet only a few Galaxies away.