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this book is being recorded for let's record for more information google dot com. My name is the book. Today I'm reading is contemporary India unit then emerging trends in education objectives. After the completion of the unit, the learners will be able to one know the impact of globalization, privatization and liberalization. Second understand about the lifelong learning three I know about online courses introduction globalization is expected to have a positive influence on the volume quality and spread of knowledge through increased interaction among the various states In a globalized world. As technology becomes its main motor knowledge assumes a powerful role in production, making its position essential for nations if they are successfully to pursue economic growth and competitiveness. Concept of globalization on education, globalization means integration of world economies through cross country free flow of information ideas, technologies, goods, services, finance and last but not the least people. Globalization is a process which has affected many areas of human life, one of those being education, this means bringing the education system of different economies under common roof, which requires unification of teaching curriculum methodology and upgradation of knowledge and systems to attain the goals of life. In the 20th century, many developing countries have experienced growth in the educational facilities available to them due to the entry of institutions from the west impact of globalization on education through globalization of education, knowledge is getting transferred from the western countries into developing countries to improve the skills and capabilities of the people. The direct interrelation between the industry's corporate world and higher education has brought a transformation in the skills required for various jobs. The process of globalization has brought significant transformation in the world trade, Communications, educational activities and economic relations since the later part of 20th century, education is an important investment in building human capital, that is a driving force for technological innovation and economic growth. It is only through improving the educational status of a society that the multifaceted development of its people can be ensured In the post industrialized world. The advanced nations have derived major proportion of their national income, not from agriculture or industry, but from the service sector. Since the service sector is based on imparting skills, our training to the students and youth, the education sector is the most sought after. It must provide gainful employment so that the sector is developed in a big way. It has also given rise to controversies relating to introducing changes in the inter sectorial priorities in the allocation of resources, leading to the misconceived policy of downsizing of higher education. It has also advocated privatization of higher education without realizing the danger of making the system a commercial enterprise liberalization liberalization will bring a constant stream of funding, which will also facilitate a research based career and make it a viable option for the future of indian teachers and students. It will expand the supply, which is in shortage. The competition among educational institutions will ensure that they don't charge excessive premium for education, increase in the supply of education will automatically result in the fall education expenditure concept of liberalization liberalization refers to relaxing certain reforms and policies in India these reforms can be termed as relaxation of previous government's restrictions, usually in areas of social or economic policy. Usually the term is used in reference to economic liberalization though India is economically liberal, the education system is not liberal. There are many reasons one of them is that the national education industry doesn't want competitiveness and government doesn't want to give away its control. The higher education system in India suffers from lack of autonomy and burden of affiliation. It is characterized by extreme rigidity and lack of flexibility. The real weakness of the higher education is in the structure itself and there is a need for introspection and reflection. Also, the public mindset is for shortcut and easy going. Our policy in terms of education is focused more on only expanding the system with no focus on for quality education impact of liberalization on education, positive impact. The indian economy, which is majorly fueled by the service industry, will get a boost with education sector becoming a large chunk of economic source. Hundreds of thousands of indian students study abroad at an annual estimated cost of around US $1 billion and it can even steam the eggs otters of thousands of students who left the country to study abroad. This will save India immense capital, allowing corporate world, ensure the development of better industry oriented graduates with specific skill sets increase in educated population implies rapid developments in technology and communications. It also implies the shift of society from industrialization based towards information based society. Liberalization offers students an option of studying close to whom, with the other benefits of a degree which will be valid worldwide. It also curbs brain drain, which is also a nation's loss. Negative impact. Students and local institutions in developing countries are also similarly unregulated. Uninformed or simply dubious institutions in developing countries may form partnerships with low quality colleges and universities in India. There is also the risk of fake institutes which are looking to stuff their pockets wherever whenever the opportunity arises, corruption is rampant in India, there is little left to the imagination as to what might be the outcome of such a policy in terms of bribes, false degrees, partial marketing, etcetera. There may be unforced seen outcomes which come to light only after the outcome walkers, local institutes which have limited capital, will not be able to survive rendering many jobless. Even the reputable ones will face competition as their national certificates will be less valued as compared to the world recognized certificates. Privatization. Since the impact of privatization is penetrating all sectors of economy, it is bound to affect education sector as well as it is very difficult to meet the democratic aspirations of the people for further expansion of educational system. Do you do positive of resources? It is therefore being felt that the private sector is inducted in education so that it can share the burden of the state in funding education concept of privatization on education, the wave of privatization is sweeping across the world within an economy, it is aimed at breaking the monopoly of the public sector in a number of areas more, especially areas connected with infrastructure. The essence of privatization lies in the induction of private ownership and publicly owned enterprises. This can range from total de nationalization, zero public ownership to various degrees of private ownership in the form of joint ventures. This is the narrow sense in which the concept is used, but in broader sense, it cannot beside private ownership. Introduction of private management and control in public enterprises concepts of privatization on education. The major components of privatization of education include following establishment in the private sector of institutions imparting education and skills, namely schools colleges, polytechnics, research laboratories, professional colleges in agriculture, engineering, medicine, management, etcetera, withdrawal of subsidies, by introducing full costing in the individual and the institutional domain, to grant the right to the management, to start off, stop courses in response to market signals and to pursue the users of the output of educational institutions to contribute towards the funding of education, impact of privatization on education system at the level of secondary, higher secondary and the college and university as well. Public sector has played a dominant role in the a stage has now come when the state is finding it very difficult to meet the democratic aspirations of the people for further expansion of educational system due to positive of resources, because the demand for funds for the educational sector has to compete with the demand for resources for the other sector. It is therefore being felt that the private sector be inducted in education so that it can share the burden of the state in funding education. Secondly, the expansion of the horizon's of knowledge is taking place at a rapid pace all over the world. The underdeveloped economies must keep pace with this expansion of knowledge emphasizing this point the World Bank has stated today, knowledge explosion is dividing the world into fast moving rich economies that use knowledge effectively and slow moving poor economies that don't education or knowledge industry is becoming a key factor in the process of development. This being so education is no longer viewed as a social service, it is considered unnecessary economic input and as such investment in education is treated as a factor contributory to human resources development. In this effort towards human resource development, the private sector is also expected to play its part, since it is major beneficiary of the knowledge industry concept of life, long learning, lifelong learning colloquialism is the ongoing, voluntary and self motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Therefore, it is not only enhances social inclusion. Active citizenship and personal development, ongoing voluntary and self motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. That part of it not only enhances social inclusion. Active citizenship and personal development, but also self sustainability as well as competitiveness and employability. Although the term is widely used in a variety of contexts, it's meaning is often unclear. A learning approach that can be used to define lifelong learning is you technology need and importance of lifelong learning homeschooling involves learning to learn or the development of informal learning patterns. World of education which teaches Children to love learning for its own sake, adult education or the acquisition of formal qualifications or work and leisure skills later in life continuing education, which often describes extension or not for credit courses offered by higher education institutions, knowledge work, which includes professional development and on the job training. Personal learning environments are self directed learning using a range of sources and tools including online application concept of online education. Online education is available at most colleges and universities are two individuals learning independently. The education sector in India is no longer bound to just classrooms, thanks to new startups and higher internet and smartphone penetration. The online learning space in India is growing manifold. The online training in India focuses equally on school and college based courses as well as mid level professional courses need and importance of online education. The online courses aims to help students focus on the right subjects and contents rather than swim blindly in an ocean of study materials available across different media. It also focuses on convenience based training because online capability enable students to get access to subjects anytime and anywhere. The future of education in India will depend on online courses. Better salary hikes and promotions are also the reasons why people undertake new online courses. Even online courses are being offered for free by many institutions. Questions for discussion and reflection discuss the impact of globalization on education. What is liberalization of education? What is liberalization of education elaborate the need for liberalization of education, analyze the effect of privatization of education, bring out the need for lifelong learning, examine the trends of online education reference. You can check the websites, www. Preserved articles dot com essay on the privatization of education in India dot html. Second www dot urban pro dot com. Third Wikipedia dot org. Lifelong learning for target study dot com impact of liberalization on education system in India dot html. And five i j E r T dot org, download 7136 impact of globalization on indian education system Over here. My chapter ends for more chapters, please visit the website dot com