Animated Character Demo Reel

Profile photo for Skyler Yuda
Not Yet Rated


Voice clips from all manner of snarky protagonists, to draconian antagonists, to old men, squeaky creatures and some other things in between!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Please call me a space cowboy. What you call insurmountable odds. I call the greatest comeback you've ever seen. Now, let's see those cards, my money. Do you know? Am I am one who likes to look someone in the eye? What they are made of so far? Our attacks have been unsuccessful but sooner or later we will bring this insurgent to his knees. All right. All right. Wait a second, run through this plan again for all of us. Now, these scally wags like to come out in the wee hours but try anything and I can be judge, jury and executioner right here. Hey, it's, how's it going? Long time? No human contact. Nobody says that it was a joke. Right. Right. Sorry. People make jokes. Haven't had much human contact and that's why I made that. You've gotta be kidding me. If you hated prison so much, then maybe you should have thought of a heist that didn't involve going to prison. You know, the ship would move faster if there were less weight, tossing you overboard is always an option.