The girl's hurt as a child

Profile photo for Shreya Ranjan
Not Yet Rated


Its my own creation as I mentioned earlier I love to write too

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hurt and pain again and again few years past few months passed. She was healing. She thought. She thought she will be fine. She is fine. But one fine morning and when so intense it was all that was needed to shatter her heart into pieces. Make her soul wail out of agony. Somebody said Betrayal hurts the most. I contradict. Have you ever came across a situation when you think you are that person's bright? But reality strikes hard one fine morning, and you find that person is ashamed of you. Every betrayal, every pain experience teaches us a lesson. The girl learned to not to trust, not to feel she was becoming cold. Day by day, she was changing, and she knows that she should not like the change, but she was loving it. But after all this, now here she is confused, broken and hurt, and it is just took us intense to break her delusion. To break her heart shall not be the same from now on. Is it that hard? Sometimes I ask, Is it that hard to care for a child? Is it that hard to love them? Is it that hard to consider them at least a human. Is it that hard to forgive and forget the mistakes that it as a child is it that hard to understand? And they do have a heart. They do get hurt now. Right? But sometimes I fail to understand. Is that is it that hard to show your real face from the start? Is it that hard to be genuine? Is it that hard not to criticise? No, right. But I guess we are talking about wolves in the skies of human who wants to shred every INGE of innocence from a child? Have it ever happened to you that it just took a sweet 10th to break apart your delusion world And you are thrown into reality pretty hard. It hurts right when your delusion of being someone's most dearest person breaks. And then reality strikes hard at your door and says that the person doesn't even want to talk to you or see your face and is ashamed of you. Sad reality. But true this cruel world isn't deserves the innocence of a child. It needs a devil in disguise of an angel. Thank you