The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner

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the Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler. Wanna The flight About seven o'clock, one hot summer evening, a strange family moved into the little village of Middlesex. Nobody know where they came from or who they were. But the neighbors soon made up their minds with Babel of the strangers. But the father was very drunk. He could hardly walk up the rickety front steps of the old tumble down house, and his 13 year old son had to help him toe eight oclock. A pretty capable looking girl, 12 came out of the house and bought a loaf of bread at the baker's. And that was all the villages learned about the newcomers that night. There are four Children, said the bakeshop moment or her husband the next day, and their mother is dead. They must have some honey for the girl. Paid for the bird with the dollar bill. Make them pay for everything they get. Ground. The baker, who was a hard man. The father is nearly dead with drink now, and so they will be on Lee beggars. This happened sooner than he do it. The next day, the oldest boy and girl came to ask the big shop woman to come over. Their father was dead. She went over willingly. Enough for someone Have to go. But it was clear that she did not expect to be bothered with four strange Children with the bakery on her hands and two Children of her home. Haven't you any other folks? She acts the Children. We have a grandfather, and Greenfield spoke up the youngest child before assist local clapper hand over his mouth. Many, she said, I just this. May the big shop woman suspicious. What's the matter with your grandfather? She acts. He doesn't like us. Report the oldest boy reluctantly, You didn't want my father to marry my mother, and if he found us, he would treat us cruelly. Did you ever see him? Just has. Once she saw her, well, did he treat you cruelly acts the woman turning upon Jess