Voiceover in English language

Profile photo for Vishakha Kumari
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I have read a book called a touch of eternity here.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
And Asia tells me that it's arrogance that sets storytellers apart from pretenders who wasted their time writing hack and coats in flowery diaries and on instagram page is a true story teller has no time to say stuff like I write for myself or my words are my babies writing is a job through one. Just tell me if you can't write this, there is no shame in defeat, says and she's trying to shake me and hijack this story. It's not going to work. I say I opened the laptop again, change the font size, fixed the margins and wipe down the screen. I take a deep breath and wait for the first word to pop up in my mind and to breathe down my neck and watches over like a hungry, impatient vulture. She is ready to soup and tear up the carcass of my writing and take over telling stories in her domain. But this one is mine too. Right? I can't write like this. I protest. You're giving me performance anxiety. I can feel her roll her eyes is losing patience. Let me write it. She says, we toss the coin. I want. This is my story to tell now. So back off. Let's make it best of three. What standard are we in? At least? Let me help tell me what comes to your mind when you think of our story. Um and epic tale of misery suffering. Love that with his light sprinkling of mind bending sex. And does the story strain against your insights like an untamed based, will your mind not be addressed till you have narrated it? Maybe if you put it like that, will you stop putting pressurizing me maybe or Yes, yes, as strong as I do feel that then that's arrogance tap into it. You to as I do believe our story is better than that of all the other couples who promise each other forever. We're not like them. We are the best, ceases clenching her face to like a football coach at the end of the match. Be arrogant about your story our story. The scope of my arrogance is limited to her and Samoan the love of my life. The keeper of my heart, the mother of my unborn Children for whom I would die and come back the last part. As you would see in this story I'm writing. I'm trying to write. I almost did Ruben start writing from the day we were born. We have heard this story so many times. That would be easy. But our story doesn't start there. It starts five years before Albert the day with Ciara was born. She smiles we're getting somewhere. And by the way she was born as with the with the Yadav I complete her sentence sentence and on the day of her birth mankind changed. Should I start with this line drew one we say humankind now and don't worry just right. I'll edit it later chapter to the death of a baby. The baby will bring you fortune rajiv yadav's mother said to him as they stood outside the ambulance that carried his wife was in labor. I'll take Alexa and come 10 years before anesthesia and I were born in the ambulance hurtling towards Damodar by a charter hospital. He fumbled with a file in the bag that carried all the necessary things reports, baby clothes, diapers and two sets of clothes for Niya, are you registered with a charlie life medical insurance? Asked. Dinners rajiv rattled of his wife's insurance number Platinum Cashless, he added. The nurse noted it down on her hand. Hand held device First we we know everything will be fine. Everything looks great. Don't be nervous. As the nurse from the tiny window of the ambulance, rajiv looked out at the holdings looming large ever of them. In the past few months. Hundreds of billboards had scrubbed up throughout the country. Morning. The ultimate ultimately untimely faq untimely demise of the richest, Most powerful man in Asia to model pay a char. He was 89. The cycle of life are Malik died and a new baby is going to be born today said in us it had been four months since the murder by his death, but the people suffered a deep bereavement Rajiv's had the nurse continued with a sense of pride that his body was donated to our hospital. We are the best in the city. You'll see four months ago down by his family had lit an empty fire at the funeral. As promised. He had donated his body to science on the day despite the tight security to loyal managing directors from his company had jumped into the pile and died. So is his body? Is his his body still in the hospital As graduate dinner's nodded even in death, he's helping people. The dead man whose body was now being researched on had changed the landscape of indian business twice, first with his oil company, a charred oil and energy and then a little over two decades ago, in a move that had started industry pundits, he had ventured into the healthcare sectors Now, every two out of three hospitals in India were under the umbrella of a charlie life.