
Profile photo for Shayna M Dufault
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I created this meditation to help my clients and they enjoy it very much. It is very calming, relaxing, and helps you feel amazing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thank you for joining me in this meditation. During this meditation I will be sending you healing energies. The meditation is meant to cleanse your chakras, Cleanse your aura and raise your vibrational field around you, allow yourself to focus on your intentions. Now this is where you will become nobody, no one, no thing nowhere. And in no time we will create a coherent state for your mind, your body and spirit. You may now get comfortable with any pillows, crystals, incense candles you want to set up. You may lay down, you may sit up now starting with a slow deep freezing and as you draw from the base of your spine to the top of your head and hold your breath at the top. And now as you exhale, relax. Now repeat this. Take a slow deep breath in inhaling through your nose, drawing the air in traveling from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Hold your breath and exhale now repeating, inhaling in having the energy travel up on the base of your spine to your head, holding your breath at the top and now exhale and relax and again inhaling through your nose up through your spine. Oh dear brother. Excellent. This one more time going through your nose, trying through the base of your spine to the top of your head on your breath and exhale. Now I'm going to have you focus on the space that you're continue. Can you feel the volume of space that you're in? Now allow your crown chakra universal energy light to flow, allow it to cleanse and heal your crown chocolate continue inhaling and through your nose out through your mouth? Now become aware of the space that your face is in. Imagine your mouth in the space that that occupies. Can you feel the space that your mouth is in? Now? Become aware of the space of your nose? Can you feel the volume of the space when you focus in on the space each body part you're letting it heal to heal itself? We're going to move on to your eyes. Now becoming aware of the space by your eyes on, feel the volume in space that your eyes take up continue. Thank you out to you become aware of your forehead, the space that your forehead is in and feel the volume of space that it occupies now your head, temple, the top of your head, the back of your head. Become aware of the space but it isn't feel the volume of space. Now imagining the light energy traveling now from the crown chakra To the 3rd eye chakra. Let's focus here and cleanse the third eye and heal it, continue breathing, continue feeling the space that you're occupying. Become aware of the space that your brain is in and how much value the brain takes. Let's continue healing your mind and now traveling down from down to the throat chakra, cleanse his throat chakra, become aware of the space your neck is in, Feel the space your neck occupies like your throat occupies and now traveling down to your stomach, feel the space that your stomach occupies. Can you feel the volume now traveling from the throat chakra to the heart chakra allow yourself to heal and cleanse the heart chakra continue with your breaths breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Now become aware of the space that your heart takes up and the volume of space that it's in. Imagine your chest, the space that your chest is in and the volume that it takes us now traveling to your arms. Thinking of the space that your arms and your shoulders take out, feel the volume of space that your arms are. Do the same thing with your fingers in your hand. Imagine the space it takes up now traveling back to your chest and imagining your lungs and the space that your lungs take up the volume that they're in until your breathing now traveling down from your heart chakra to your solar plexus chakra cleanse this area and heal it. Become aware of the space that your abdomen is. Become aware of the volume. Become aware of the space that your intestines are, the volume of space that your intestines take up. Now imagine the space that your liver takes up the volume of space that your liver is in. Move on to the gallbladder net. Become aware of the space that your gallbladder is. Imagine the volume of space that your gallbladder takes out now your pancreas. Imagine the volume of space that your pancreas takes up. Become aware of this space now traveling the light energy down from your solar plexus chakra to your sacral chakra cleanse and heal this chakra. Now become aware of the space that your kidneys are him. Can you feel the volume of space your kid either and now become aware of the space where your reproductive organs are in. Imagine this space and field, continue breathing now traveling the light energy down from your sacral chakra to your roots, cleansing and healing this area. Become aware of the space that your pelvis takes up, feel the volume of space. Become aware of the space that your legs in your feet and your toes. Can you feel the valuable space that? And now lastly the spy, imagine the space that your spine is in. Can you feel the volume of space that your spine takes up, allowing the light energy to travel down from the crown all the way through your chakras to your root chakra, cleansing the whole way through and traveling back up and your spine and back out your crown chakra, removing all negative energies more stable, secure all your chakras. No cleansed and healing is taking place, wow this light become aware of this space that your aura is in the vibrational field around you radiate with love, gratitude, Happiness and peace. Stay here for and have gratitude. Thank the universe for allowing this session to take place and for this light energy healing to radiate through you, continue breathing in breathing out, allow yourself to envision this new state of being that you are in a coherent state with your mind, your body and spirit continue. Ain't nobody? No one, no and in no time continue listening to the. Yes sir, call yourself to continue. I'm going to allow you to get into a deeper state of meditation and at the end of the session I will bring you back with my and with some sound yourself to continue breathing in slowly and deeply. No and slowly out through your mouth. Continue with this. Turn back. I encourage you to continue to feel the energy throughout the day. **** with it and allow yourself to stop carrying it with you, remove any negativity that is remaining with you and let it go. Now slowly wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes, open your eyes refresh. Hope you enjoyed this meditation session. Please listen to this again and again. I look forward to doing many more sessions with thank you so much. Thank you allowing you to hear the energy remove any negativity out of your life. The Master