A Narrative from the book Transcendental meditation

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This is an insert from a book on Transcendental Meditation

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US African American


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Let's clear our minds and visualize that we are now entering into a state of total quietness and stillness. Visualize yourself, shutting out all the noises of destruction of the world. This is your moment to truly connect with your higher conscious self, feel the connection, the me Ali and surrender to the greatest part of yourself. See yourself entering into a state of hiding awareness. Remember you are totally surrendering to the God within, breathe in, breathe out, take slow and deep breaths, breath in and breathe out as you breathe out, allow your mind and body to totally relax, visualize yourself, transcending beyond all physical limitations and enter the spirit around knowing that you are in true alignment. Imagine yourself surrounded by pure light, connecting with the spiritual beings of higher consciousness.