Television & Radio Ads - Sports TV Shows, Teases, Bumps & Radio Ads - Upbeat, Funny, Professional, Fast Paced, Enthusiastic - Scott Steward - Male Voice Over

Profile photo for Scott Steward
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Television Ad


Television & Radio Ads for various Sports TV Shows, Teases, Bumps & Radio Ads with an Articulate, Sophisticated, Soothing, Intelligent Male Voice Over delivery.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
last mass cars. Mr Nice Guy Sort up War dodged a loud marvels. Score bl number two in the 22. Now he and the Custer's backtrack to the P A. Family Truckster Kids were the 90 minute quest for fun. You're sucking morning Gangsters of Love. Hey, kid, milk money, somebody better kids, liver cancer. While Jimmy was back in Victory, Lane was gonna get away with it. Baby High rank, High speed, high voltage restrictor plates are on. It's time to go racing. Don't miss your only chance to see NASCAR racing at the Rock on Saturday, February 20 1st that NASCAR Busch Siri's Rockingham to then ask car Nextel Cup, Subway 401 Sunday, February 22nd Tickets are on sale now 65 1 Visit US online at North Carolina ST dot com. It's your only chance of the scene That scar the rock last. The latest Hoosier hot shoe broke through and loud NASCAR this morning on Fox Sports