Industrial / Narration

Video Narration


selected industrial/narration clips

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we work with. The world's natural resource is with strategic partners. We move macro nutrients from the origination point by river, by rail and by road. On June 11th 2017 Ron Burrell and Matt Stokowski were working storm restoration for Connexus Energy, the Tor Bell a T n a analytical and 80 n precision Siri's productive, efficient, built for laboratories at 450 mils per minute, the T three has the highest flow rates of any other triple Lumen short term catheter available. The jackhammers and drills put a lot of dust into the air. That's changing now that the new OSHA mandated silica rules have been adopted and the tool industry has responded with equipment that greatly reduces dust. Set Thean sizable pin opening 20 set both Bennett angles to 15 degrees and set both Candler Inclination angles to 20 degrees. Trans Critical Co. Two technology offers significant potential payoffs for the Army in terms of mission performance, cost, reduced logistics burdens and environmental responsibility.