Profile photo for Sawsan Bawab
Not Yet Rated


English IVR

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to Aldar. Unfortunately, all the lines are busy at the moment. Please be patient and stay on the line. Your call will be connected to one of our customer support representatives as soon as possible. Your current hold time is five minutes. Hello and thank you for calling. Currently all our lines are occupied. We ask for your patience. Your call will be answered by the next available agent. Your estimated hold time is less than four minutes. Welcome to Aldar. Thank you for your call. Currently all our agents are occupied. Please hold, we will be with you shortly. Your current position in the queue is five and your estimated hold time is four minutes. You have reached Madar. This call may be monitored and recorded for training or quality assurance purposes. Please do not hang up. You will be connected to the next available agent as soon as possible. Your current hold time is approximately three minutes.