[20's, 30's, 40’s,
able, abundant, accepting, aching, actor, actress, adorable, adrenaline, ad, adventurous, advocate, affect, affluent, afraid, aggressive, agitated, agreeable, alarmed, alarming, alluring, amateur, amazing, ambiguous, ambitious, amused, amusing, anal, analytical, Android, angel, anger, angry, animal, animated, animation, annoyed, annoying, antsy, anxious, app, apps, apologetic, appraising, approachable, appropriate, arrogant, articulate, artificial, art, artist, assertive, athlete, athletic, attentive, attitude, attorney, audio book, audio describer, audio description, audiobook, auspicious, austere, authentic, awe-inspiring, awesome, awestruck, awkward,
bad, barbarous, beautiful, beauty, belligerent,, bereft, bewildered, big, bitch, bitchy, bitter, blessed, blessings, blaring, blind, blind audio describer, blind female, blind voice talent, boasting, boastful, bold, book, book narrator, book trailer, boorish, bore, bored, boring, boss, bossy, bouncy, bountiful, braille, brainy, brave, breathy, bright, brilliance, brilliant, bursting, business, busy,
calm, candid, candor, capable, captivating, career, carefree, careful, careless, cars, cartoon, cartoon character, cartoon characters, cartoon voice, cartoon voices, casting, cat, catholic, Caucasian, caustic, cautious, certain, chaotic, chaste, chastened, cheap, cheerful, chilling, chipper, Christ, Christmas, Christian, church, classic, clean, clear, clever, clipped, clumsy, coarse, cocky, coercive, cold, colorful, combative, comfortable, comforting, commercial, committed, compassionate, complex, composed, computer, conceited, concise, concrete, confessional, confident, confused, congested, conservative, considerate, consistent, contagious, content, control, controlling, cooing, cool, cooperative, corporate, courageous, coward, crabby, cranky, crappy, creative, creature, creepy, crisp, critic, critical, cross, cruel, crying, crystal, cultured, curious, curt, courteous, cute,
dainty, daredevil, daring, dark, data, deafening, deceitful, decisive, deep, defiant, delicate, delicious, delightful, demanding, democrat, democratic, demon, demonstrative, dense, depressed, deranged, descriptive, deserving, desperate, despot, detective, determined, devil, devious, devoted, devout, dialog, dialogue, different, difficult, diligent, dim, dire, direct, dirty, disability, disabled, disagreeable, discerning, disgruntled, disgusted, disgusting, disillusioned, disruptive, distinct, disturbed, doctor, documentary, dog, domestic, dominant, dominating, dope, dopy, doubtful, down to earth, down-to-earth, drab, dreamer, dreamy, drifting, driven, drugs, drunk, dry, dull, dumb, dying, dynamic,
eager, easy, ebullient, edgy, effort, effortless, effective, effervescent, efficient, elated, electric, eLearning, elegant, eloquent, elusive, embarrassed, embellish, emotional, employee, employer, empowered, empowering, empty, energetic, energizing, energized, energy, engaging, entertaining, entertainer, envious, envy, equipped, erratic, erudite, erotic, ethereal, ethnic, eternal, evil, excited, exhausted, exhilarating, exotic, experienced, expert, explain, explainer, explainer video, exuberant,
fair, fairy, faithful, fake, faltering, familiar, family, fancy, fantastic, fast, fearful, fearless, female, female blind voice, female voice talent, ferocious, fiery, fighter, fighting, filthy, finance, financial, fine, flashy, flattering, flexible, focused, forgetful, forgiving, forlorn, forthcoming, frail, frank, frantic, frazzled, freak, freakish, free, fresh, fretful, friendly, frightened, frigid, frumpy, frustrated, full, fun, fun-loving, funny, furious, fury,
gay, gay and lesbian, general, generic, generous, gentle, genuine, giddy, gifted, girl next door, girl voice talent, girl-next-door, giving, glad, glam, glamorous, gloomy, glorious, golden, god, goddess, good, goof, goofy, gorgeous, grace, graceful, gracious, grand, grandma, grandmother, greetings, grief, grieving, grim, grinning, grit, gritty, groan, groaning, gross, grouch, grouchy, gruff, guarded, guardian, guide, guiding, guilty,
halting, hapless, hard, hardworking, hard-working, harmonious, healing, heartfelt, hearty, heavenly, heavy, helpful, heroine, hesitant, hip, holidays, home studio, homely, honest, honorable, hopeful, horrible, horrific, horror, hot, housewife, house wife, huge, humble, humiliated, humiliating, hungry, hurried, hurt, hymns,
icy, ignorant, ill, ill-mannered, imagination, imaginative, impact, imp, imposing, imposter, impostor, impulsive, independent, indulgent, industrial, industrious, info, infographic, infomercial, informed, informational, injured, inquiring, insane, insidious, inspirational, inspiring, instinctive, instructional, instructive, integrity, intelligent, intense, interesting, interviewer, intimate, intimidating, intrepid, inventive, iPad, IPDTL, iPhone, iPod, irksome, ironic, irony, irreverent, irresistible, irresponsible, irritated, irritating, ISDN, IVR,
jaded, jealous, jealousy, jerk, Jesus, Jesus Christ, jolly, jovial, joy, joyful, judge, judgmental, juicy,
keen, kick ass, kind, kind hearted, knowing, knowledgeable,
lady, laid back, large, laughing, lawyer, lazy, LBGT, leader, LGBT, light, light hearted, light-hearted, likable, little, lively, loner, loose, lord and savior, lost, loud, lovable, love, lovely, lover, loving, low, loyal, lucid, lucky, lust, lustful, lusting, luxurious, luxury, lyrical,
machine, magic, magical, mad, magnificent, manipulative, massive, master, masterful, materialistic, maternal, matron, matronly, mature, meaningful, mechanical, medical narration, medical voice, meditate, meditative, melancholy, memorable, mercy, merciful, merry, merry Christmas, message, messaging, Microsoft, midget, military, mindful, mischievous, misinformed, misunderstood, moan, moaning, mom, moms, mommies, mommy, monster, moral, morose, mother, motherly, movie, movies, movie trailer, munchkin, musical, myriad, mysterious, mystery,
mystical, narration, natural, naughty, neat, nerd, nerdy, nervous, neurotic, nice, nifty, noise, noisy, nuts, nutty,
obdurate, obedient, objective, obnoxious, observant, observer, old, ominous, organic, original, outstanding, over the top,
pain, painful, panicked, paranoid, parent, parental, patriotic, patron, patronizing, peaceful, perceptive, perfect, perfectionist, perky, permanent, perpetrator, perpetual, perplexed, perplexing, persevere, persistent, persnickety, personable, personality, persuasive, pervasive, pharmaceutical, phone, phone patch, pianist, piano, piano, player, pissed off, pitch, placid, platinum, pleasant, pleasing, podcast, pod cast, podcaster, podcasting, polished, political, potent, potentate, powerful, predictable, premier, premium, pretty, pride, prim, private, pro, proactive, professional, professional home studio, producer, product, productive, prolific, promo, promotion, promotional, proper, protective, proud, public, punctual, punishing, pure, purpose, purposeful, pushy,
qualified, quality, queen, quest, questioning, quick, quiescent, quiet, quirky,
radiant, radio, radio imaging, radio voice, rage, raging, range, rare, read, reading, real, real estate, realistic, receptive, recognizable, reformed, reformer, relaxed, relaxing, relevant, reliable, religious, remorse, remorseful, renegade, renewal, repentant, reporter, republican, republican party, resigned, resourceful, respectable, responsible, responsive, restful, resting, revealing, revolutionary, rhyme, rhyming, rhythm, rhythmic, rich, righteous, rigid, risky, robot, robotic, rock star, rogue, rough, routine, rushed,
sad, safe, salesy, sarcastic, sassy, sassy, Satauna, Satuana, Satana, stana, Satauna Howery, Satuana Howery, Satana Howery, Satuana Howry, Satauna Howry, Satauna HOwrey, Satuana Howrey, satire, satirical, satisfied, savior, scared, scary, scattered, school, school marm, schoolmarm, scientific, scientific narration, scratchy, screaming, searing, searching, secret, secretary, secretive, secure, sedate, seductive, self-assured, selfish, selfless, senior, sensible, senseless, sensual, serene, sergeant, serious, severe, sexy, shady, shadowy, shaking, shaky, sharp, shifty, short, shout, shrill, shy, sick, silky, silly, simpering, simple, sinful, singing, sinister, Siri, sis, sister, skilled, slang, sleepy, slippery, slow, sloppy, sly, small, smarmy, smart, smell, smiling, smooth, snappy, sneaky, sniffing, snippy, snob, snobbish, sobbing, soft, somber, song, songs, soothing, sore, sorrowful, sour, SourceConnect, sparkling, sparkly, special, specific, spicy, spirited, splendid, spoken word, spooky, sponsor, spontaneous, squeaky, squeamish, sticky, strained, strange, strategy, strategic, strict, strident, stubborn, stupid, sturdy, stylish, subjective, substance, substantive, substantial, subtle, successful, suggestive, sultry, super, superior, supreme, sure, surgical, surly, surprised, suspect, suspense, suspenseful, suspicious, sweet,
tale, talented, tales, taste, tasteful, tasteless, tasty, taxing, teacher, tearful, teary, tech, technical, technical narration, technology, television, tender, tense, tenuous, tepid, terrible, terrific, terrifying, terse, testy, thrifty, thrilling, throwback, throw back, timbre, timid, tiny, tired, touch, touching, tough, tragic, trailer, training, trance, trapped, trashy, trembling, trenchant, trickster, tricky, trivia, trivial, troubled, truculent, trust, trusting, trustworthy, truthful, trying, tune, tunes, turbulent, turbulence, tv, twin, twins, tyrant,
ubiquitous, unbeatable, unbiased, uncompromising, understanding, uneasy, unencumbered, uneven, unfair, unhappy, unique, universal, unmatched, unscrupulous, unsure, unwell, upbeat, upset, urgent,
vengeful, verbal, verbose, versatile, vibrant, victim, video description, viral, virulent, vivacious, vixen, voice mail, voice over, voice over actress, voice over artist, voicemail, voiceover, voracious, vulnerable
wandering, weak, wealthy, weary, well, wet, whimsical, whimpering, whispering, white, wholesome, wholesome, wicked, wife, wild, willful, wise, witch, witty, woman, wonder, wonderful, wordy, worried, worthless, worthy, wrong,
yummy, young, young adult, youth, youthful,
zany, zest, zombie]
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